Sunday 21 April 2013

Whiskered terns, Shapwick Heath

It was one of those days today. Didn't think I was going to be able to go anywhere first thing this morning but that all changed when I saw a tweet for two whiskered terns out on Shapwick Heath. A quick text to Andy Grinter and we were meeting up to go out and take a look. They were certainly there and giving great scope views as they fished around the far side of Noah's lake but no decent photo opportunities. Both managed a few record shots and I did manage to get a bit of distant video when they settled - you can't see the second bird, which is hidden behind the black-headed gull. There were also six arctic terns present.

Whiskered tern: R Harris

Whiskered tern: R Harris

Whiskered tern: R Harris

Whiskered terns: R Harris

Whiskered tern: R Harris
Whiskered terns: Andy Grinter
Blackcap: Andy Grinter

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